Tuesday, February 26, 2002

Don't Try To Be My Sugar-Daddy!

by Dr. Bill Nieporte

When you marry a "southern girl" (like I did) you learn a
brand new vocabulary! I heard an interesting phrase
from my "southern born" wife. Commenting on a man who left
his wife for a "younger woman," Jeana said: "That woman
doesn't love him! She's just looking for a 'sugar-daddy' to
pay her credit card bills!"

Isn't that the approach many marketers take when looking to
recruit others into their business venture? How many times
a day do you get junk email from people offering (in
essence) to be your "sugar-daddy?" Here's just a few
examples of these offers in my email box for today:

"Guaranteed $90,246.00 in 60 Days or Less!"

"Let Me Build Your Downline for YOU!"

"I'll do ALL THE WORK--> YOU keep ALL the MONEY!"

"Get 10,000 in Your Downline OverNight With Our 'System!'"

"Massive Advertising About To Begin: Join Now For

Aren't you sick of it?

Aren't you tired of all that *sham and scam spam* that
unlimited riches, without work, virtually overnight?

It certainly bugs me. Here's why?

1. These offers appeal the lower-self.

The people who want to be your "sugar-daddy" try to entice
you to believe that that only thing that matters is the
acquisition of more wealth. For those who desire to be your
"sugar-daddy" things like ethics, values, morals, and just
plain good manners don't matter. What matters "mo money, mo
money, mo money!"

Don't you wish that somebody would appeal to your
higher-self? Don't you wish that somebody would appeal to
your desire to help, build, and create something of lasting
value? Isn't wealth earned helping others much more
enjoyable that simply getting rich? Aren't you one of those
people who still think that ethics, values, morals, and good
manners really do matter?

2. These offers also assume that you are basically lazy.

Those who want a "sugar-daddy" probably are rather lazy.
You're not, are you? Check out the truly successful
business builders in the world (both online and off) and you
will discover that they are all hard-working and industrious
individuals--and they encourage and expect that same type of
effort in their partners. These men and women realize that
building a successful business requires an honest and
consistent effort.

3. These opportunities don't work!

Here's the final problem with the "sugar-daddy" approach to
marketing. It just plain doesn't work. If you've ever been
caught up in one of these ventures, you'll know that the
only people who are getting any wealthier are the few
scoundrels at the top who thought up the darn thing.

I don't know about you, but I am tired of those
"opportunities" that don't work, aren't ethical, promote
laziness, and appeal to the darker side of human
Give me something that works. Give me something that can
make a
positive difference in somebody's life.

And if you join one of my business ventures, don't sit on
you lazy rear and wait for me to do WHAT ONLY YOU CAN DO to
build your business. I will support you! I will encourage
you! I will train you! I will hold you accountable to your
commitments, goals, and ambitions. But I will definately
NOT be your "Sugar-Daddy."

Don't Try To Be My Sugar-Daddy! I don't need one! You don't
either, do you? You are a hard-working and industrious
individual who is willing to work to succeed, right? Then
here's what I invite you to do! The next time somebody
offers to "build your business for you" and "make you rich,"
tell them that you don't need a "sugar daddy!"


You can subscribe to Bill Nieporte's popular bi-weekly
ezine: "The Success In Life Newsletter" at

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Monday, February 25, 2002


The Ice Cream 'Comb' Story

She was three. Just released from a far-away hospital after
life threatening brain surgery, ready to take on the world
again. I was happy just to have her back. My little "Mr. Clean"
(shaven head and hoop earrings) and me driving along to our
local mall. Hanging out with dad day. I recall her words as if
it were yesterday.

"Daddy, can I get a treat?"

As she was understandably spoiled (if there is such a thing), I
replied "ok honey, but just ONE".
Her eyes beamed like the Fourth of July in anticipation of that
something only she knew at the time.

We drove around to the new end of the mall on the normal
seek-and-destroy mission of capturing a parking place. After
all, it was Saturday. We landed a fair distance from our
destination, and began walking hand-in-hand towards the
entrance, her pace gaining momentum with each tiny step. A few
feet from the doors she broke loose and ran hands-first into
the thick wall of glass, trying with everything she had to
swing the big doors open. No luck. With a little assistance,
she 'did it' and tried the very same thing at the second set of

It was then that I asked her what she wanted for her treat.
Without hesitation, she matter-of-factly said "an ice-cream
comb from the ice-cream store". Ok, the goal was set and we
were in the mall!

But hold on! What was this? At the end of what was just an
ordinary looking lane of retail chain outlets she spied
something new- this huge fountain, water shooting who knows how
high into the air. The new goal line!

She ran, and I walked (don't ya just hate it when parents let
their kids run wild in public?), and we arrived at the
spectacle at about the same time. The turbulent noise was
almost deafening.
"Daddy, can I make a wish, can I make a wish?" she screamed as
she jumped with the kind of pure joy we've all long since

"Sure honey, but that will be YOUR TREAT you know" I explained
(gotta be firm with these kind of things).

She agreed.

I fumbled around in my pocket and pulled out what I think was a
dime (big spender) and placed it in her outstretched hand. She
cupped it tightly, closed her eyes and grimaced, formulating
her wish. I stared at that little scrunched-up face and said my
own kind of prayer of thanks, feeling so blessed to still have
this ball of energy in my life. And then like a shooting star,
the coin was flung into the foaming water and with it, her

We happily continued our stroll into the familiar section of
the mall. An eerie silence ensued, which I was admittedly
uncomfortable with. I couldn't resist breaking it.

"Aren't you gonna tell daddy what you wished for?"

She retorted "I wished I could get an ice-cream comb".

I just about lost it right then and there. Couldn't imagine
what the shoppers thought of this lunatic laughing
uncontrollably in the middle of a crowded mall. And needless to
say, she got her wish, and two treats.

Little did I know then that my beautiful little girl would soon
embark on a long road of seizures, surgeries, special schools,
medications and end up partially paralyzed on her right side.
She never learned to ride a bike.

Today, she is almost seventeen. She cannot use her right hand
and walks with a noticeable limp. But she has overcome what
life seemed to so cruelly inflict on her. She was teased a lot
and always struggled in school, both socially and academically.
But each year she showed improvement. She is planning a career
in early childhood education. With one year still remaining in
high school, her and I, one night not too long ago mapped out
all the courses she would need to take in community college. It
was her idea. She volunteers weekly at a local hospital, on the
children's floor. She baby-sits a neighbors children five days
a week. On her own this year, she stood outside in line for
four hours on a cold Canadian January afternoon and enrolled
herself, with her own babysitting money, into two courses she
felt she would need for college.

You see, to her failure was never an option.

It would almost be redundant for me to explain why I wanted to
share this story with you. She IS my daughter and I carry all
those fatherly biases with me wherever I go. But these aside,
she is a very exceptional person and one that I admire and have
learned a lot from.

It is my sincerest hope that her story will have even a
momentary positive impact on you as a human being, a parent, a
spouse or even, an entrepreneur.

I'd like to leave you with a closing thought. As human beings,
we deserve all the treats, and the multitude of good things
that life can offer us. We all have wishes and dreams, AND the
power to make them reality. Just simple truths of the universe.

We can wish for, and get, that ice-cream comb.

Rick is the author of 3 top-selling marketing books at:
as well as the purveyor of those famous I.D. IT! Plates:

FINALLY, you can make great income from giving away Rick's
FREE eBook - The Articles! Every page, and every article
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